The Project
In Togo, one child out of four never goes to school. Because access to education is a fundamental right and essential to the development of a country, Solidari’terre has been involved for 4 years now in the village of Togba, located 50km north of the capital Lomé. The gravity of the situation is all the more important in the villages far from the capital, and this brake on education is a major obstacle to the country’s growth.
The project, started in 2017, is to build the only school in the village.
For the year 2021, our mission will be to finish the construction of the third grade classroom – interrupted last year by the Covid-19 pandemic -, and to build the second grade classroom.
To build this school, Solidari’terre works hand in hand with the local association Djidjole Afrique, a development NGO with a very good knowledge of the field, which works in the fields of childhood, environment, health and education. We come to provide human, material and financial support in the field. Once on site, we mingle with local professionals, who train us and bring us the necessary know-how to carry out this mission of solidarity.
Key figures
Support us
Support the construction of a school and educational facilities in the village of Togba