The Project
Since the launch of this project in 2018, we have been working with Enfants de Shanti association to improve the living and educational conditions of the youngest children. This year, we will be 12 students participating in this mission in Farīdābād, a suburb of New Delhi.
In 2022, our work there will focus on three main projects:
- First, we will continue the construction of a classroom in the slum of Faridabad, in association with other students from INSA Strasbourg. This classroom, formerly made of tarpaulin and cardboard, was not weatherproof and did not protect from the heat. The construction of a brick room is a necessary need for the good education of the children.
- We will also intervene in different schools of Faridabad, in order to ensure a school support by assisting the teachers present on the spot, in English and in maths, and we will sensitize the children with hygiene in order to limit the risks of contamination (brushing of teeth, washing of hands, frequent shampoos…)
- Finally, we will accompany children with disabilities in their rehabilitation and we will organize activities of awakening and stimulation within the Disabled School. We also wish to develop tools to facilitate the interaction between the volunteers and the children.
Follow us : @misi_inde_2022
For further information, please contact
Cyrine Boutej